Magic: The Gathering

How many lands in a 60-card deck in MTG?


When building a 60-card deck in MTG, one of the most important decisions is determining the number of lands to include. The correct amount can vary depending on your deck’s color and strategy. Let’s explore the ideal number of lands for each color in a 60-card deck.

Our guide to choosing how many lands in a 60-card deck in MTG

In a 60-card Magic: The Gathering deck, it’s smart to include 24 lands for balanced mana access, following a 40% ratio. Adjust based on deck strategy: more lands for control or ramp decks, fewer for aggressive, low-curve decks. These ratios are slightly different when you’re building a 40-card deck, or a draft deck.

Consider mana curve, color requirements, and non-land mana sources. Aim to avoid mana screw (too few lands, hindering spell casting) and mana flooding (too many lands, leading to unproductive draws). Test and tweak land count to ensure consistent performance, balancing the need for enough mana to play spells with the risk of drawing too many lands.

How many lands in a Blue 60-card deck

Blue decks in MTG are known for control and manipulation. They often require a steady mana flow to play counterspells and draw cards. Typically, a blue deck in a 60-card format might include around 24 to 27 lands. This range ensures a consistent mana supply to cast spells during crucial moments of the game.

How many lands in a Green 60-card deck

Green decks focus on ramping up mana to play large creatures and spells. For a green 60-card deck, the land count might slightly vary. A range of 22 to 26 lands is often ideal. This number allows for enough lands to draw while also making room for spells that can fetch more lands or generate additional mana.

How many lands in a Red 60-card deck

Red decks in MTG are aggressive and fast-paced, often aiming to win quickly. Hence, they usually require fewer lands. A red 60-card deck typically contains about 20 to 24 lands. This range helps maintain a balance between having enough mana and drawing more action-oriented cards.

How many lands in a Black 60-card deck

Black decks in MTG are versatile, focusing on disruption and powerful creatures. For a black 60-card deck, the recommended number of lands is usually between 24 to 27. This ensures enough mana to cast various spells that can control the game or summon formidable creatures.

How many lands in a White 60-card deck

White decks are known for their balanced approach, with a focus on defense and life gain. A white 60-card deck often includes about 23 to 26 lands. This range provides a stable mana base for casting creatures and spells that can protect and outlast opponents.

The number of lands in a 60-card MTG deck varies depending on the deck’s color and strategy. Adjusting the land count to match your deck’s needs, along with smart play strategies, can significantly enhance your chances of winning. Remember, practice and experimenting with your deck will help you find the perfect balance.

How to avoid mana scren in a 60-card deck

Mana screw occurs when you don’t draw enough lands. To avoid this, ensure your deck has a sufficient land count and consider including mana-producing artifacts or spells. Balancing your curve – the distribution of spells based on their mana cost – is also vital.

How to avoid mana flooding in a 60-card deck

Mana flooding happens when you draw too many lands. To prevent this, avoid overloading your deck with lands and include card-drawing spells to help find more action cards. Cards that let you manipulate the top of your deck can also help mitigate flooding.